Does Cipralex Contain Hcg I Have Been Prescribed, "Cipralex"(Escitalopram) For "Pre-mature Ejaculation. Does It Work .?
I have been prescribed, "Cipralex"(Escitalopram) for "Pre-mature Ejaculation. Does it work .? - does cipralex contain hcg
I was prescribed Cipralex (escitalopram) for premature ejaculation, my urologist.
Is it effective?
I know it is an anti-depressents. Did you have side effects. I am a normal state of mind.
SSRI antidepressants are often prescribed for premature ejaculation is a common side effect, delayed orgasm or anorgasmia (inability to ejaculate). It is very likely that serious adverse events in smaller doses prescribed for the EP experience, even if some gnashing of teeth or mild insomnia possible. Drug can work for 10-14 days. Most people find that once you can control your ejaculation, taking an antidepressant, which keep a good control if you stop taking the drug. You should also try to strengthen your PC muscle, because this will help to control the ejaculation.
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