Kitchen Case Ninja What Is Better As Kitchen Flooring Vitrified Tiles Or Marble.(india)?

What is better as kitchen flooring vitrified tiles or marble.(india)? - kitchen case ninja

Hi, I just bought a house under construction, the builder is damn nice and gave us the flexibility etc.Im floor plan to select a ball put in my house, but need to know if in the case where the kitchen should proceed with the use of marble or glass surfaces.

I would appreciate help in this matter, I am so helpless


Ruth Z said...

Marble stains
It is a beautiful ..... High-end high-quality surface as a woman requires a lot of money to keep up appearances.

.... The tile is an area of work - can take a beating and still look good. I am a girl of low maintenance - I'm clean or do not really ..... I go with tile.

ansmenam said...

My floor is made of marble, and I encourage you not to place it in your kitchen. Marble is smooth and easy chips or cracks. (Consider a can of soup and fall yikes, big problems.) Acids also hate marble. When you pour drops of spilled soda or cooking with citrus fruits or a glass of wine and some are found in the burning ground. My floor has etch marks in many places. I would definitely go with ceramic tiles.

kurvanti... said...

I think I would go w / vitrified flooring - just because I think that seems all the traffic in the kitchen (ours at the busiest room in the house), and years into a top manufacturer of married final home and it is my understanding that the marble - chip - break - I'm not sure how it cheaper than setting up marble - where the soil type can be a little easier would be correct can crack and / or replaced. W was in the kitchen and marble floors - love - is pleasantly cool on the feet while working on a hot stove. I hope this helps some and simply confused haha ps: I wish you many happy years in your new home! :)

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