Older Dog Dragging Back Legs My Dog's Back Leg Or Legs Hurt...please Read All And Only Give INTELLIGENT And Serious Answers.?

My dog's back leg or legs hurt...please read all and only give INTELLIGENT and serious answers.? - older dog dragging back legs

Tonight we played tennis, and my dog (11 months female shepherd mix) chased the ball for 45 minutes on the tennis court. Today is only the hind legs move a little more than another. You can not tell if the pad is rubbed or toenail, or actually pulled muscle, but is there some kind of pain medications? It does not hurt, but if it ignites, it is permissible to give a portion of Advil or something like that? Please help! I am very excited.


Bekah said...

If you do not want to rush to the vet to give buffered aspirin - if you could spend a lot of money, who bring it to the vet, where he probably check and prescibe their remadyle want (not sure the Spelling) is an anti-inflammatory veterinary dogs are swelling and pain ... good luck:) if it appears to be much more pain to be very good ... is like a child playing a little hard

agent_st... said...

have an appointment with your veterinarian about this problem.

and implementation of the recommendations of the medicines for your dog.

Eidolon said...

For the relief of pain, give aspirin to children.
Everything else is hurt the stomach.

bcooper1... said...

My vet said the only thing you give your dog baby aspirin. Try out the type of liquid, because he knows better. If he / she is not accustomed to strenuous activity, then you have to be tired.

jazzy said...

I also agree, I think you should leave no doubt put to rest Muscel or something that you do not need to be good worryshe need an Advil not only lead to a vet

Ginger said...

The best thing to do to the vet. The veterinarian will prescribe an anti inflamitory is safe for dogs. I read here someone said that you give a dog ibuprofen. Ibuprofen should not be used, one dog for any reason. Someone said that the baby aspirin. Well ... Spirin baby is good, but only good for the pain ..... This could be more detrimental to the dog. It will not help inflammation. I would suggest taking him to the vet. Perhaps the most popular dog during the game and something to lie.

god bless us all said...

If you care about your dog, take him to the vet, and if you think that you are in pain, why not yesterday, why suffer through the night?

Suzie Q said...

Aspirin is the only pain medication safe for a dog ... there are no other "aspirin", but could not remember the name ... When you call your veterinarian, he or she can say, and be the right dose of his daughter.

tlr229 said...

You can actually give, ibuprofen, which contribute to inflammation. Then press and sprinkle on some canned goods.

tweetyma... said...

The best thing to do, call your veterinarian. The only drug I was told never to give aspirin small dog. Advil or ibiprophen (SP) are toxic to dogs. Please do not give your dog. Maybe you want to veterinary clinics in your area that are open 24 check / 7 and keep this number handy for future use. I hope she feels better.

Posh said...

If they get him to the vet.

leftygir... said...

Never give anything to your dog on the counter, first consult your veterinarian. Give them a call if they think they should be taken into account, you continue with your veterinarian for an examination

emwads said...

Do not advil ibeprofen who is addicted to Advil is toxic to dogs. Get STOE and go directly to the good old way to aspirin. not tylonol. Aspirin. Tehn get the cheese and wrap the pill in the cheese (if you eat to feed) Tehn. Proll, but you have to get to a vet. Incase very bad for them.


Shepard are prone to hip problems

honk2goo... said...

Your dog has been tested for hip dysplasia? My lab and had started to limp after intense activity. Sometimes Limp for no reason at all. If the dog is purebred, the likelihood increases that have this problem.

mommyof2 said...

You must go to the vet, the vet can tell really what going on with her and her medications, the dogs have

littlema... said...

Oh poor hope she feels better soon. I recommend that more or less, and the drug against me or you can take for pain. The vet has my dog in front of paracetamol for pain and said she can not really take a higher dose than in men. If that's not so often as it would take more, but less time until it is used for the routine, and then go with him more. Also carry an eye on the leg this could be early signs of arthritis. I had a German shepherd growth, which ended with him in both hind legs, said it was customary for the shepherds.

littlema... said...

Oh poor hope she feels better soon. I recommend that more or less, and the drug against me or you can take for pain. The vet has my dog in front of paracetamol for pain and said she can not really take a higher dose than in men. If that's not so often as it would take more, but less time until it is used for the routine, and then go with him more. Also carry an eye on the leg this could be early signs of arthritis. I had a German shepherd growth, which ended with him in both hind legs, said it was customary for the shepherds.

Nic said...

You can give regular aspirin, baby aspirin, but more than fifty books, you can give her two asprin BABY. is what the vet told us. was used to give our dog for arthritis. I could not tell what is the problem. I suggest that the baby aspirin, then you take him safely to the vet. If you will not be exercised for a long time, especially in the cement courtyard, then can be hurt by this, I know that bad after walking on concrete with his bare feet the next day it hurts. Well, that all information I praise for tonight, God. John 3:16

Coodles said...

we give our dogs Tylenol .............. But never give your dog Advil. It is toxic to dogs.

Mary said...

Contact your veterinarian and explain the problem ....... generally help you by phone if you can .............. You never give medications without talking first. You can also make an emergency vet in your area .... tend to be very useful. Good luck ... It's tough when you come to the family .... My dog is the "baby" in the family.

vcsowife said...

Advil NOT! It gives you aspirin for a dog, but no other prescription painkillers. As a shepherd mix, this can be a sign of hip dysplasia. It is a congenital disease of the hip does not really fit into their sockets, and can cause lameness and pain. Other activities can make the game more. The only way to know whether this is true or not, thanks to X-rays. Your veterinarian may feel ale, when the hips are more flexible than they should be. She has her own burnout and is now a little painful. Get as much as he wants to rest and call your vet in the morning. In the case of hip dysplasia is not too much to do in terms of severity. There are many new treatments and therapies that help real animals are still living comfortable and relatively painless, but somewhat less active. Good luck and hope he feels better

wannapla... said...

I think that it may be possible that the area was on the tennis court too heavy for the amount of time to be ... and since they are not in pain, we can probably ... be a few days off from the beach and tennis

crazychi... said...

Do IBUPROFEN! He can kill them. Enter nothing if you say your vet, you can. It is certainly difficult May Be Seeing his pain, increased risk for the!

PuertoRico's Best said...

NEVER give, never, never had a dog, ibuprofen (Tylenol, acetaminophen, Advil), etc. You can give her 1 aspirin, regardless of weight. But do not abuse it! Dogs metabolize aspirin like people and can damage the liver. Less is more!

I recommend that you call one of the HR-24. Emergency clinics make that more information about giving something, as well as other proposals that would offer comfortable. If you are really concerned about the administration of drugs, you could try a cold bath, massaging the leg pain by gently until you can get to the vet.

Hope this helps!

vicscavi... said...

The only thing my vet said I could always give my Sheltie is aspirin. So what would I do in the night, tomorrow morning, call the vet and explain what is happening and let them decide for themselves whether it should be seen.
This could be a number of things, strains, pain in the ball or is broken. Dysplasia of the hip to the party, which since Shephard mix.
Also one thing I know very well the cause of my ex, he's crazy Sheltie kneecap. It is the muscle that crosses the ball. You can rely on a few dogs slip under a lot of activity and becomes soft. Or not to walk on the leg. It was released in May itself. And it is that you X-rays, if it be seen. And orthopedic surgery is possible, because my Sheltie was.
I hope this helped some. Good luck.

Lisette F said...

I suggest you check your feet up. Wait until the calm before consulting their feet. Want to know if the pads are worn. If you tap your foot, and shook it once, maybe just need to relax.

For the medications I suggest the vet. The weight of the dog was able to see how much you owe.

lovingmo... said...

Baby aspirin. on another level. Why do you come here and questions about the health of their dogs? could recommend something that kills what you want.

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