Bad Breath Liver Bad Breath??

Bad breath?? - bad breath liver

My breath stinks all the time. My boss wrote three times to that question that goes to the next time it cost me my job (I am a clown "Birthday" by profession.)
I brush 2-3 times a week, dental floss, if I recall ..... I think my diet is good (lots of free hot dogs and Doritos at parties for children, so I always like to eat and at work ..... I fish fingers every night to eat so much, and I take more than a gallon fruit punch one days to remove some of the alcohol Outta my liver.)
My question is, give me that? I chew gum after the smoke is so bad. My wife kisses from time to time and do not complain too much ...... I do not think I will lose my job on them.


slinkies said...

wow, when you have people in the area, your boss should do something ... can be no more than a clown, that people said they wanted b / c of bad breath ...

Brush 2 times a day and go to the dentist to ensure that no damage ... and at least try to reduce smoking, many parents have a bad influence on children ... When parents complain, then it just really is not his head ... The customer is always right

b_ryanjn... said...

First, all (as all have said) to brush 2-3 times daily. Second, stop all that drinking Fruit Punch. Fruit Punch is loaded with sugar and sugar, more is not equal to wash bacteria. The bacteria in the mouth is bad breath. Drink water instead. It is better for the liver and the people who already have to drink plenty of water tend to be less bad breath. On the issue with your boss happens .... Fire, probably, if I thought it would be relevant for the company. They work in close proximity to people and their children if the parents a smell of poultry from the clowns who were hired, hint, I doubt you want to use their services again. I know this may sound trivial, but not the heads of the shoe.

stile_us... said...

It sounds disgusting. They do not know about the shooting ... But come on! Not your oral hygiene is the best? smoked fish sticks, and instead of brushing twice daily and use mouthwash ... Level of 2-3 times per week, with 14 weekly favorites ... Apauling and sorry for his wife, who complains so surprising that many ... lol ... You must be a joke ....

stile_us... said...

It sounds disgusting. They do not know about the shooting ... But come on! Not your oral hygiene is the best? smoked fish sticks, and instead of brushing twice daily and use mouthwash ... Level of 2-3 times per week, with 14 weekly favorites ... Apauling and sorry for his wife, who complains so surprising that many ... lol ... You must be a joke ....

ruin1114 said...

Is this a joke? "

Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day! Floss every day!


Kristi L said...

His wife Mai, smoking, drinking, and had poor hygiene, and therefore do not realize it. Yes, it is a reasonable man is rejected by the parties to come (to work especially a child), if you feel like a bum. And with the further right, if you drink before work. Sorry buddy, but you are very serious. Assume that you brush your teeth 2-3 times per day, plus more after smoking and after drinking. My advice ...
Brush (often several times a day), stop drinking and get a better job that pays well enough for you is his wife, are likely to support the tolerant and supportive girlfriend that she set up with all their problems. Appreciate it!

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