... More Condition_symptomspuffyeyelids What Do We Need To Graduate Most? More Physicists, Mathematicians, Biologists, Chemists And Doctors?

What do we need to graduate most? More physicists, mathematicians, biologists, chemists and doctors? - ... more condition_symptomspuffyeyelids

... Accountants or lawyers again, and the politicians?


bwlobo said...

Forget the lawyers, accountants and politicians .... They are superfluous. These three elements are all scum suckers background.

jim s said...

To hold basketry, pottery and ceramics, and animal skins of water.
Have the heads of stone knives, hatchets and hunting with spears and bows.
The use of fish bone needles to sew.
Spinning wool yarn, fishing line and nets.
Ha ha
In reality, we need more travel agencies and hotels. Oh, and real estate agents, insurance and used car dealers.
One of the friends xa nephew in the modern archeology student. WTF is that?
(Dig the peoples living rooms?)
She works in the tobacco shop of his father.

Engineers A.

Shaunalo... said...

We need more doctors.
We need more of everything, in fact, honest lawyers, accountants and politicians.

Addie said...

Yeap, click here. It explains better than I am ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cE4GoV9T ...

Karl the Heathen said...

More technical. We have children to invent things, we need children to work every day.

It's me Snitches!!! said...

We need more doctors. You can more and more doctors.

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